Hello, I am Jeff Crawford. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Missouri and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Kansas. For 30 years I have helped individuals, couples, families change their lives, relationships and achieve their dreams. I have always believed we can win, change, learn, grow and succeed in life.

My Own Personal Growth
My path hasn’t been perfect or straight in getting here and I am still growing. I recently asked my best friend, who has known me since we were both young therapists in 1985, what he thought my greatest strength has been. He suggested to me it is my commitment to learn and continue working on my own personal growth through all the years that he has known me. I bring my whole life experience along with my knowledge and skills to my psychotherapy work. I think that I have been a lot like all of these men in the quote that follows, at one time in my life, with me you get a real person in addition to a professional counselor and guide.
There are three types of men.
-Will Rogers
I am a Counselor and Life Coach that is ready to help you
My Education, Licenses, Memberships
I Continue To Be a Student
I continue to search for ways to blend the traditions of the counseling and guidance field with the latest developments in areas such as brain research, the mind/body relationship and life coaching. I have been and continue to be a student of both eastern and western approaches to living a good life, a life with heart, each day. Learning and applying these things in my life and helping others is my passion.
I owe you a debt of gratitude for the help you've given me over the years. Much of the love that is in my life is thanks to your guidance on how to foster it. Without you, I wouldn't be nearly as adept at managing things like anger, frustration and fear. It is thanks to you that I was able to find a wonderful marriage, to be a calmer, gentler father and to find peace with many of the struggles that plagued my younger days. Thank you, sincerely. If I can ever return the favor, it'd be my honor to do so.